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Proofreading for everyone


Excellent, Richard, thank you!
That watermark was sooooo frustrating!
Until the next time.
– Wayne

Thanks for such a speedy response.
You’re amazing!
– Andrina

Hi Richard,
I need your magic again.
– Thania

I just saw your email. It is such a great job. Thank you so much!
I will definitely come back to you with my future assignments.
Have a lovely weekend.
– Yaning

Thanks for your lovely comments concerning my bio and writing improvements. Appreciate your feedback and special treatment.
– Qassim

Thanks Richard for your hard work. You did an awesome job, it is fantastic, really appreciate it and I think what you provided me is more than what I paid.
– Steve

Thanks for your help Richard – you are on to it!
– Claire

Many thanks again for all the work and time you put into the thesis.
– Elaine

Thank you very much for your diligent and more than timely work.

– Karin

I just wanna thank you for your careful editing and show me how to use English properly. Very happy have business with you.

– Yina