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Proofreading for everyone

Announcing FastProof

Here is the birth of retail proofreading

Have you ever wanted a proofreader and wondered how on earth you’d find one? Perhaps you’ve been desperate for help with your writing and pleaded with Agnes from accounts to check your advertisement? Or you once asked old Arthur Prestwick, the retired teacher down the road, to check your CV, but that was years ago and you’re not sure Arthur’s still alive.

If those stories sound familiar, then FastProof is for you. Because FastProof is new. FastProof is fast, dependable and reasonably priced. You don’t have to go anywhere because it’s available online. We bring proofreading to everyone.

Eliminate typos

A spell checker and grammar checker are useful, but they are not infallible because they don’t have a brain. Your word processor will overlook mistakes that could cook your goose.

Our proofreaders remove errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Your writing will be something to be proud of. There’s no need to suffer those little typographical blemishes, because we can polish them away and save your skin. FastProof improves the quality of your writing and increases the credibility of your business.

Deal with skilled people who will polish your writing better than any computer program. Proper proofreading for your important business or personal documents is quickly available at www.fastproof.co.nz.


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