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Proofreading for everyone

Email the file

When you’re ready to send your document (maybe you’ve already paid the fee), just email the files you want us to proofread.

Email your order

We’ve prepared some handy templates to use if you’re in a hurry. Click one that matches what you want, and the email pops up, ready to send. If you use a web-based email service, you can say whatever you like or just cut and paste our text. However you send it, remember to attach the file. 🙂

Email a Fast order.

Email a Speedy order.

Email an Urgent order.

Or you might prefer to start with a blank message.

PLEASE CHECK: Have you attached the file?

If your document requires more editing than FastProof provides we’ll discuss with you the option of passing the order to our parent company, WordShine. They can polish anything.